Slalom Skateboarding

To my friends in slalom skateboarding:

I haven't been to a race in about four years, but I still think of you as extended family. Skateboarding changed my life, and the slalom community in particular gave me a vital sense of connection and purpose during some particularly uncertain years of my life (or maybe the quality of the uncertainty has just changed).

Over the past few years I've consistently expressed desire that "maybe next year" I can get back into racing, constantly thinking that hosting another race was just around the corner, thinking that I could make it to the next race in St. Louis, Ashland, or Hockley - venues that highlighted my calendar in years past. I think that hope was well-intentioned but ultimately misplaced.

I'm not sure what to do anymore, and I feel lost when it comes to skateboarding. I still ride most days, but only from my car to my office and back. I still love the feeling of gliding around cones, down hills, or just down the street, but feel frustrated that I can't do more. I once held ambitions to revolutionize slalom skateboarding, to build race series and put events on the same scale of organization and repeatability as are enjoyed in realms of running, biking, or skiing... but now it seems that just making it to an event is an insurmountable goal.

My hope is still to return to racing, but I'm now placing that hope at least a decade in the future. In the meantime, the emotional weight of holding on to all my extra skate stuff is too much for me to bear. I sold my beloved (but honestly never used) WeFunk Roadmaster at the end of last year and, nine months on, find that I don't miss owning it. As such, if I have any skate gear you're interested in, I'm proceeding with selling everything but the essentials.

Below you will find a list of everything I have for sale; items will be marked as sold when they are gone.


  • Abec11 Lemon 66mm Zig-Zags (pair, new)
  • Abec11/Retro Lime 72mm FreeRides (four, lightly used)
  • Abec11/Retro Amber/Classic FreeRides (four, new)
  • Seismic/3dm 68mm 80a Avalon (four, new but unwrapped)
  • Sector9 72mm 75a (four, used)


  • Radikal Dragon's Claw/Tail set
  • Bennett Vector 4.3 (two)
  • Tracker RT-x 150mm (one)
  • Gunmetal Revolvers 8" with Abec11 reflex bushings (two, used)
  • Randal 35° downhill truck (160mm if I remember right) (one)
  • Tracker Fastracks 180mm (two)
  • Randal R-II 150mm (pair)


  • Bees Knees Skathletics (Yerke bros) Menace GS board
  • Skaterbuilt (not sure model name but it's discontinued now)
  • CR Boardworks HuDu VuDu? complete (Tracker Fastracks 180, Gravity Blazers 70mm 74a, Jessup grip; like new - only test ridden cruising)
  • Arcane Boards Clyde, black (new)
  • Arcane Boards Bonnie, natural (new)
  • Arcane Boards Tommy Gun, green (new)
  • Arcane Boards Tommy Gun 36" Castleberry edition, dark brown, gripped (lightly used)
  • Uncommon Boards Caliber 38"x10", 31" WB

If you're interested in any of the above, please use the button below to shoot me an offer:

Thank you to all the friends slalom has given me over the years. Like I said, you feel more like family to me and maybe the hardest thing about setting competition aside for now is admitting that I may not see many of you for a long time, if ever again. It is likely you all mean more to me than you realize, and I hope this is not goodbye. Thank you for everything.
